WoW: New Torghast Wings, Fame Levels, Legendarys and More
The new week in WoW's Shadowlands has begun, and we reveal what unlocks and special loot await you in this ID. Included: the freshly opened Torghast...
WoW: New screenshots and wallpapers set the mood for Shadowlands launch
Things are boiling in the Shadowlands! The anima drought is spreading in the afterlife of World of Warcraft and the four great realms of the dead are...
WoW: Championship season starts soon - all info1. Player retention through seasons2. In 10 months to Naxxramas3. No power to the boosters4. Hardcore mode "light"5. Molten Core 2.06. Clothes make...
When patch 9.1 finally appears on the live servers of WoW Shadowlands, our heroes will have plenty to do. Among other things, they will have to climb 40 new glory levels. This will unlock a whole...
The Tarragrue in Torghast is supposed to be a bouncer from the new WoW Shadowlands dungeons. When your deaths are used up, the creepy giant monster slowly makes its way from its prison to your position. However, players have found creative ways to...
The people responsible for the website talked to players Atlas, Goop and THD from Complexity Limit about the World-First-Race in Castle Nathria, the victory over Count Denathrius and some more. Below we have summarized the most important...
Again and again we read in the forums, on Reddit or in the comment section on Youtube that WoW players have switched from their rogue to another class with Shadowlands or that they have lost their tribe raid spot to another class with their rogue...
The topic of Legendarys has preoccupied players since the beginning of World of Warcraft. These powerful items are among the most coveted pieces of loot, after all, they often impress not only with an extraordinary look, but also with powerful...