Update from September 07:
On the official WoW forums last night, there was an update from Community Manager Kaivax for the schedule for Phase 2 of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic. The first Arena Season will end today, September 07, at 22:00, and not at the ID change on September 08, as announced in the original post. So if you want to get in a few Arena games before the season ends, you should do so in the next few hours.
Original post from August 28:
Just yesterday we reported that the PTR version of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic has been promoted to "release candidate" and that it therefore can't be long before the Blizzard developers reveal the date for phase 2. Sure enough, in an update on the official WoW site last night, the dev team wrote:
"We are pleased to announce to Burning Crusade Classic players that the first major content update, Lords of Outland, will be available soon. Starting September 15 , you'll be able to take on Prince Kael'thas and Lady Vashj in iconic raids, participate in a new arena season, and more."
You have just over two weeks to prepare for the upcoming challenges. Read more in the guide How to prepare for phase 2 of TBC Classic now. In an additional forum post by Kaivax, there were more details about Phase 2:
- Patch 2.5.2 will even be pushed to the TBC Classic servers as early as next Wednesday, September 01.
- Included: guild banks, group search, and the update to arena rankings, which will make team ranks visible and information on reward thresholds available for certain arena NPCs.
- Arena Season 1 will end on September 8 with the regional server reboots. There will be a one-week break from the season and you will be able to purchase PvP gear for honor and Arena Points at a reduced price.
- The second season of TBC Classic will begin on September 15.
- The major content of Phase 2 will be unlocked worldwide on September 16 at 0:01 am . This includes the Cavern of the Serpent Shr ine and Fortress of Storms raids, as well as content surrounding the new Sha'tari Skyguard and Ogri'la factions.
- Seasonal rewards from Season 1 will be awarded with the regional server reboots on September 22.
How does Blizzard's plan sound to you? Are they doing it just right, or would you have liked to see different dates? Let us know in the comments!
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