Again and again we read in the forums, on Reddit or in the comment section on Youtube that WoW players have switched from their rogue to another class with Shadowlands or that they have lost their tribe raid spot to another class with their rogue. The current DpS potential of the leather-wearing blade wielders is certainly responsible for this.
Just recently, we gave you a summary of the DpS balancing in Castle Nathria. Some rogue specializations are quite high, and Lady Inverva Dunkelader's outlaws even dominate thanks to Blade Whirl. On balance, however, the two strongest playstyles, Deception and Lawlessness, belong more to the midfield, and Assassination lags behind so much that the upcoming ID change will result in a hefty buff
(which, however, will "only" adjust the balance within the three rogue specializations).However, the "okay" damage potential of the rogue class is exacerbated by other problems, which Youtuber InfexiousGaming recently summarized nicely in a video (we can recommend the channel to every rogue player, by the way). It is especially remarkable how much the current situation reminds us of the situation of the rogue in TBC. In the following, we'll summarize the most important findings from the almost 16 minutes.
Recommended editorial contentAtthis point you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external embeds will not be displayed until you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content":Load all external contentIagree to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. More about this in our privacy policy. External content Read more in our privacy policy.- Melee specializations often have the problem that they can't deal damage at times due to boss mechanics, while ranged fighters continue to blast away. If a melee specialization doesn't have a huge DpS potential, it will have to excel in other ways to earn a progress raid spot alongside the often-favored ranged fighters.
- Many melee specializations have important raid buffs, debuffs, or cooldowns that earn them a raid spot.
- Rogues, on the other hand, do not have important raid buffs or cooldowns. Their biggest advantage is that they can safely counter dangerous effects or mechanics with Cloak of Shadows. However, there are currently no uses for the cloak in Castle Nathria that have such a large effect that you absolutely must have a rogue with you.
- If you are taken along as a rogue, it is usually because you are valued by the community as a player, through reliability shown for a long time, for example, or because you simply get significantly more out of your class than the other players do out of their actually better class.
This is exactly the starting situation that rogues will have to contend with in TBC Classic: Raid slots for melee fighters are limited, they have only mediocre DpS potential before Tier 6 content, and other melee specializations have a lot more to offer in terms of raid buffs and debuffs. Only when it comes to interrupting spells will raid groups miss a rogue here and there in the early months.
But what could Blizzard do to solve these problems? Simply increasing the damage of rogues is difficult, because rogues would then be too overpowered in PvP. In addition, other specializations that are currently very strong would have to be weakened at the same time to make rogue competitive. But InfexiousGaming has a few suggestions that go beyond the pure DpS adjustment:
- At least one of the pact abilities must get a strong AoE or Cleave component.
- He would like to see the Anima effect Distracting Charges from Torghast in an adapted version as a new legendary memory.
- Smoke Bomb needs to come back as a useful defensive raid cooldown.
- Rogues should get a poison raid debuff, like "Poisoned targets get five percent more magic damage from all sources".
What do you guys think of the suggestions? And how do you rate the current situation of the rogue in Shadowlands? Tell us in the comments!
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Karsten has been writing about his favorite hobby since 2009 - it all started back then as a rogue class spokesman at buffed. Is something missing in the article? to the home page The links marked with * are affiliate links. Affiliate links are not ads, as we are independent in our research and selection of featured products. For product sales we receive a small commission, which we use to partially finance the free content of the website. 7