Table of Contents1
. WoW: DpS at Schrillschwinge2. WoW: DpS at hunter Altimor3. WoW: DpS at the Starving Destroyer4. WoW: DpS at Saving the Sun King5. WoW: DpS at Constructor Xy'mox6. WoW: DpS at Lady Inerva Dunkelader7. WoW: DpS at the Council of Blood8. WoW: DpS at Silt Fist9. WoW: DpS at the generals of the stone legion10. WoW: DpS at Count Denathrius11. WoW: DpS overall conclusionThe WoW raid Castle Nathria has been open for weeks now and many groups are still fighting their way through the raid and knocking down the ten bosses. By now, most of these players and groups have near-perfect gear, know the tactics inside and out, and often get the absolute most out of their class. So we're taking one last look at the DpS rankings from patch 9.0.5 and how the balancing looks just before Shadowlands' first major patch.
WoW: DpS in Nathria Castle - Initial situation
To really find out what the classes are currently doing, we're limiting ourselves to the top five percent of all mythic logs for each class. This way, we make sure the numbers aren't skewed by weaker players or faulty logs (where the player was dead on the ground half the time, for example). However, since these numbers were usually achieved with perfect gear and the right Legendarys and the best pacts, the pure stats are not very meaningful. That said, many high-level logs are only achieved through the concentrated use of support spells like Soul of Power on individual players. So if you can't get close to the numbers listed, don't worry. However, they are quite useful for the relationship between the classes.
WoW: DpS at Shrillwing
WoW: DpS in Nathria Castle - Shrillwing Source: buffed / warcraftlogs The entry boss in Nathria Castle is hardly a problem for any raid group, even in Mythic mode. With the exception of the intermediate phase, you can deal damage to the boss almost the entire time and rarely have to move. So most players can show what their class is made of here. And obviously the Shadow Priest still has the most. The changes behind that are a lot more exciting. Fierceness Druids are shooting up the ranks with better equipment, solidifying their second place position. The biggest jump, however, is made by Arcane Mages. They're coming up to par with their Fire classmates, who were still distancing them with weaker gear. The fact that everyone now knows the bosses by heart should also help the fairly immobile Arcane Mages. - Raidguide to Shrillwing.
WoW: DpS at hunter Altimor
WoW: DpS in Nathria Castle - Hunter Altimor Source: buffed / warcraftlogs In the Altimor Hunter, Shadow Priests also came out on top. There, they have left behind the other multi-DoT classes that were previously above them, relegating them to second and third place. But once again, Mages are making a clear statement. Frost (and Arcane as well) is clearly above Fire. The clear losers of the two-target battle are the Hunters. All three playstyles find themselves in the bottom five. Paladins, Monks, and Demon Hunters, however, also have little reason to be happy with their one DpS spec, each ranking near the bottom. - Raid Guide to Hunter Altimor.
WoW: DpS at the Starving Destroyer
WoW: DpS in Nathria Castle - Starving Destroyer Source: buffed / warcraftlogs And even in the third fight, the Priests demonstrate their superiority. Little movement and one target ensure that no other playstyle can deal as much damage as the Shadow Priest. The white class stands almost ten percent above all others. Bringing up the rear is the quintessential meme spec: the survival hunter. While there aren't many of these, the performance of the best players in this spec is a pretty impressive indication of why this is the case. If you cut off first and last place, the balancing here wouldn't look bad at all. As it is, though, it's not particularly exhilarating.-Hungry Destroyer raid guide.
WoW: DpS at the rescue of the Sun King
WoW: DpS in Nathria Castle - Saving the Sun King Source: buffed / warcraftlogs Towards the middle of the patch, Owls and Furor Warriors were still going head-to-head for the top spot here. Those days are over, though. Balance Druids couldn't increase their damage as much as Warriors could. In addition, there are few owls that focus completely on damage here. As they progress, many groups reduce their healers and let hybrid classes like that very owl take over some healing, which then translates into slightly less damage as cooldowns are used to heal when appropriate. This is even more noticeable with Feral Druids, who often only do damage to the boss in the intermediary phases and otherwise heal along. - Raid Guide to Saving the Sun King.
WoW: DpS at Constructor Xy'mox
WoW: DpS in Castle Nathria - Constructor Xy'mox Source: buffed / warcraftlogs Although Xy'mox requires a lot more movement than other bosses, that doesn't knock the Shadow Priest off the top spot. Once again, it demonstrates how strong the class currently is and why it will have to adjust to some weakening in patch 9.1. The performance of the hunters, on the other hand, is once again catastrophic. While they were still one of the stronger classes at the beginning of Shadowlands, they are now gradually being pushed through and occupy the last and second to last place. - Raidguide to the Constructor Xy'mox.
WoW: DpS at Lady Inerva Dunkelader
WoW: DpS in Nathria Castle - Lady Inerva Dunkelader Source: buffed / warcraftlogs Lady Dunkelader alternates fighting one target with fighting multiple targets. Since these adds come regularly and are exactly four targets along with the boss, the fight is perfect for Arcane Mages. Their cooldown matches the adds exactly, and thanks to a special talent and Legendarys, they can deal massive burst damage to the emerging adds. And even away from these phases, they keep their damage high as long as they aren't affected by too many mechanics. This finally puts a class on top that hardly anyone has on their radar - but is also quite rarely represented. - Raidguide to Lady Inerva Darkblade.
WoW: DpS at the Council of Blood
WoW: DpS in Castle Nathria - Council of Blood Source: buffed / warcraftlogs Council of Blood is the showcase fight for balance druids. Lots of adds standing far apart. But still close enough that you can hit them all with starburst. This makes the owls by far the strongest class here when it comes to pure DpS. Keep in mind that damage on the other bosses that aren't the current target is even factored out by warcraftlogs. So in internal skada or recount the whole thing might look a bit different. By the way, in heroic and normal mode the difference is much smaller, because there are much less adds intervening in the fight than in the most common order in mythic mode. - Raidguides to the Council of Blood.
WoW: DpS at Silt Fist
WoW: DpS in Nathria Castle - Silt Fist Source: buffed / warcraftlogs If you want to be at the top of Silt Fist, you need massive burst damage in a matter of seconds - every minute. Once again, this sounds like it was made for Arcane Mages, who accordingly push themselves to the top here and push the Fire playstyle to fourth. In the melee camp, who do less damage in this fight anyway due to the mechanics, Paladins and Druids are right up there. They have the highest burst potential of all the melees with the right talents and Legendarys. Demon Hunters, on the other hand, look old and are even beaten by Survival Hunters. - Raidguide to Silt Fist.
WoW: DpS at the generals of the stone legion
WoW: DpS in Castle Nathria - Generals of the Stone Legion Source: buffed / warcraftlogs A classic cleave fight where you can more or less permanently attack multiple targets right next to each other. Thanks to some small buffs in the past, and the fact that his toolkit is perfect for this type of fight, the Windrunner Monk came out on top here. It's interesting to see that once again, Arcane Mage came out on top against Fire and Frost. And probably 23 other playstyles breathe a sigh of relief that there is actually a fight where the Shadow Priest has nothing to say and can only leave two other specs behind. - Raid Guide to the Stone Legion Generals.
WoW: DpS with Count Denathrius
WoW: DpS in Castle Nathria - Count Denathrius Source: buffed / warcraftlogs Once again, the winner of the hour is the Arcane Mage, who has risen from second to last to first place over the past weeks and months. It should be noted, however, that there are far fewer Arcane Mages than Fire and Frost. If you're still an Arcane when it comes to the mythic final boss, you're one of the spec's absolute lovers and should have a perfect command of it. So the average arcane mage will probably master their spec better here than the average player of a flavor of the month spec. In any case, the balancing here looks much better than many other bosses. Only the absolute top and the end fall off a bit. - Guide to Count Denathrius.
WoW: DpS overall conclusion
With so many boss fights in which they are superior, it is little surprise that the Shadow Priests also end up at the top of the overall standings. The Affliction Sorcerer and the Balance Druid are the usual suspects. Only then do Arcane Mages and Elemental Shamans provide surprises. Both of these specs are rarely this high in the rankings. With the exception of the survival hunter and deception rogue meme specs, the developers have done a surprisingly good job of balancing them. At least that's what you'd think. However, this is a little deceptive. Because if a class is completely OP on one boss and uselessly bad on another, it balances out, but good balancing is still something else. After all, there is no playstyle (with the above two exceptions) that is consistently so bad that you might prefer not to have it in the raid. That's something.
Here you can find all boss rankings including the numbers in the picture gallery:
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