Update from 16:10:
The developers at Blizzard have published the German patch notes of the WoW hotfixes from January 13. We have updated the message accordingly.
Original message:
Already at the beginning of the week, Blizzard had played a whole series of class changes on the live servers of World of Warcraft, which were only activated with the ID change today (Wednesday, January 13). But that didn't stop the developers from implementing more bug fixes for Lady Inerva, some quests, the user interface as well as the pacts last night.
Below you can read the official English patch notes. As soon as Blizzard has published the German patch notes, we will update this message. Hotfixes are updates that are applied server-side without the need to download new data. Some of the changes listed below will take effect as soon as Blizzard implements them, whereas others will only take effect after an announced realm restart. Please note that some issues cannot be fixed without a client-side patch.
WoW: Hotfixes from January 13, 2021 - Patch Notes
- Druid
- Reverted a recent change that allowed the Night Fae ability Convocation of Spirits to hit targets affected by control abilities such as Usurious Roots that are interrupted by damage.
- Kyrian
- "A Ribbon Earned" now displays the companion you receive when completing the quest, as intended.
- Night Fae
- The marker for the "Composting" quest is now more visible on the map.
- Venthyr
- Fixed a bug where the joint video sequence of the Maldraxxus and Revendreth campaigns was not playing for Venthyr pact members.
Dungeons & Raids
- Nathria Castle
- Lady Inerva Dark Vein
- Fixed a bug where Lady Inerva Dunkelader could not be attacked when players were defeated by her lieutenants.
- Lady Inerva Dark Vein
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the Tribute Tray and Silver Lockbox to not appear during the Sweet Tribute quest.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Kael'tha's Sun Walker not to appear during the first stage of the "The Medallion of Domination" scenario.
- Elite monsters now grant more progress for the bonus objective "Creeping Decay" in Maldraxxus.
- Alliance player characters will now no longer teleport out of the Orgrimmar instance for the Battle for Azeroth War Campaign when they receive the quest "Shadowlands: An Icy Summons." Horde player characters will continue to be teleported out of the instance until they complete the "Through the Torn Skies" quest line, as the instances for this content conflict with each other.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
- Animaboni
- Rogue
- Fixed a bug where damage dealing animaboni such as 'Lightning Dust' were doing less damage than intended.
- Rogue
User Interface
- The visual animaeffect at the edge of the screen that appears after death is now no longer displayed when "Keep character centered and reduce camera movement" is selected in the accessibility settings.
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