WoW player Rextroy is known for finding all sorts of bugs and funny interactions in the game that often lead to oneshots of a Horde player, make them immortal themselves, or provide entertainment like in the 40-vs-40 class battles. Recently, for example, he showed us how to get to 2.8 million health as a Druid tank in WoW Shadowlands - and that's at level 27.
But there are also video projects that never officially saw the light of day. Either other videos were more important, the time for a complete video was missing, or the implementation of a crazy idea was not 100 percent satisfactory. You can check out five of those ideas below.
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For this WoW Classic video, Rextroy had specially leveled up a gnome rogue so he could use it to take advantage of the engineer bonus and defeat high-level characters with items like gnome death ray. However, the engineer combo didn't always work and inflicted a lot of damage on his rogue himself. Potion consumption was high. Defeating enemies with a lot of armor (plate, chain) was also especially hard.
In the end, nothing came of the video because Rextroy had a vacation break planned, he also wanted to return to retail WoW, and he ran out of gold for the combos.
Solo Shad'har (BFA)
WoW: Five Rextroy videos he did NOT release (2) Source: Blizzard In BfA, Rextroy exploited the fact that protection paladins become quasi-immortal with many enemies around them on several bosses. He tried this on the Ny'alotha boss Shad'har. He even single-handedly brought the boss to eleven percent health in the end. With a little min-maxing, a win might have been possible. However, unlike other bosses, some adds caused more problems than other bosses because they dealt damage to other adds over time. So the challenge was also fighting against time. In addition, at the time of recording the pre-patch for WoW (buy now 14,99 € ) Shadowlands was imminent.
Auto-hit oneshot without a weapon.
This video was just "not cool enough" according to Rextroy. Collecting adds and then defeating targets with an auto-hit was something he had done before in a similar form. You can see the result in his video Rextroy oneshots with auto hits. Unlike this video, he also had to get two low duration buffs within a short period of time, which made it more difficult. Also in this case, Shadowlands' pre-patch was also just around the corner.
Ashran Sidestrat Rush
Backdooring the boss in Ashran has become a common tactic. Back in January - at the beginning of Shadowlands - the bosses were already very weak. Now you can beat the bosses even faster. So this video may not have been all that special to post.
Invisible Mage Oneshot (WoW Classic)
This invisibility combo with crystal blast and goblin mortar combined with an instant cast pyro strike was another Classic video that was never released for similar reasons as the rogue video.
Do you know Rextroy's videos - and which one do you like best?
00:30WoW TBC Classic: The release trailer for Lords of Outland is here!
via Rextroy, icy-veins.comSupport
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