The two biggest features of patch 9.1.5 for WoW Shadowlands are the reworked Legion dungeons including Mythic Plus mode and the return of the Mage Tower. However, WoW players will have to wait a while for exactly these two features. While patch 9.1.5 will be released for us Europeans on November 3, Legion M+ dungeons and the Mage Tower will not be released until December 8, 2021.
Currently, the Mage Tower is available for testing on the PTR until October 22 at 7pm. Legion dungeons could already be tested before that, but the developers want to adjust the new affix for Legion M+ instances again.
Legion event every two weeks - and then?
At the beginning of the Legion time migration, the expansion's M+ dungeons and the Mage Tower will be available for two weeks. After that, players will have to wait for a full time migration rotation until the Legion event is active again. However, to shorten the wait at least a bit, these events will be active a bit more often in the future.
- The weekly bonus events schedule has been adjusted and now Timewalking dungeon events will occur every three weeks (was alternating every third or fourth week). - Blizzard
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Instead of having a time-walking event active every three or four weeks, the old dungeons will be relaunched every three weeks. This change means players won 't have to wait out half a year, but "only" four and a half months
(or 18 weeks) for the Legion event to return.Blizzard gives you some time to get your Twinks for the Mage Tower Challenges and offers a lot of simplifications for latecomers with 9.1.5. If you want to directly take on the special mount of the Mage Tower Challenges, you can directly equip the appropriate classes or specs. You can see which specs are best for you in our overview: Timewalk Mage Tower - if you want new mount, you need a lot of twinks.
What do you guys think of the postponement of Legion features? Does it just need more testing, or do you think Blizzard is actually trying to somehow compete with the FF 14 expansion Endwalker, which comes out at the end of November?
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