In this ID of World of Warcraft, the World First race in Castle Nathria has started, and the ambitious Progress Guilds are happily wiping their way through the ten bosses. As in Battle for Azeroth, you can once again experience the attempts and kills of the pros live - there are streaming participants galore.
And one thing is for sure: Once again, countless spectators are taking up the offer. Thanks to the World First race, World of Warcraft (now buy 14,99 € ) has once again become the most popular game on Twitch (via Icy Veins). Yesterday, 335,000 WoW fans watched the streams. At the time, Call of Duty: Warzone was in second place with 293,000 viewers. It was followed by Dota 2 (172,000) and Fortnite (161,000).
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Blizzard advertises World First Race
The WoW developers have always stayed out of the raid competition, but at least they are beating the advertising drum on the official website for the race and the streams of the biggest progress guilds.
This week, the race begins to see who can advance to Count Denathrius' princely residence - Castle Nathria - to defeat him first. The best of the best will vie for the first degree!
When: from Wednesday, December 16
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How does it look like: Are you following the "World First Race" in Nathria as well or does the whole thing leave you cold? Tell us in the comments!
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