Since the launch of Phase 2 of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic
, so many raid groups have entered the new instance challenges in the Cave of the Serpent Shrine and the Eye of the Fortress of Storms ... well ... that every potential loot item should have been dropped by now.But that is exactly not the case so far! Some observant WoW fans have noticed that ol' Morogrim Tidewalker, for example, has never dropped the Tress of the Serpent Snare
- that is, at least in raid groups or for mages represented on Warcraftlogs. And that's with more than 11,000 boss kills. And even in the nearly 1,700 logs for Lady Vashj kills, the item isn't even listed (and just so we're clear, any Arcane Mage will want to use the trinket in mana-intensive fights once it hits their pockets).So what to do to clear things up? Well, a post in the official forum could, with a little luck, shed some light on the matter. Lo and behold, a few hours ago Community Manager Kaivax provided players with confirmation: Yep, there's a bug preventing bosses in the Serpentshrine Cave and the Eye of the Fortress of Storms from dropping certain loot. A hotfix is on the way and it will most likely come online with the next ID change.
"I can confirm that we do indeed have a bug preventing some bosses in Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep from dropping certain items from their loot table.
We've got a hotfix for it on the way, and we expect it to take effect with scheduled weekly maintenance."
Let's keep our fingers crossed that the loot list works flawlessly in the next ID.
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