After Torghast was adjusted a few times and the Winding Corridors were introduced, the Dungeon Master's dungeons turned out to be a very good feature of WoW Shadowlands. However, just three months after the expansion's release, it is foreseeable that without new features and rewards, Torghast will become uninteresting for players for a short period of time.
In its latest video, Preach Gaming analyzes how Torghast lost its appeal and how to keep the roguelike feature interesting in the long run.
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First of all, not everything is bad about Torghast. Preach just worries that the feature shouldn't be allowed to go to waste. And unfortunately, that's what it looks like at the moment. Torghast has a lot of potential.
- The truly endless levels have been turned into a slimmed down version to give casual players a way to complete Torghast without having to spend several hours there. Unfortunately, fewer hallways also mean fewer Animaboni and thus less fun.
- Even with over 100 Animaboni in the Winding Corridors, you're still always going for the same build or bonuses. In the future, more exciting animaboni would need to be added. Unlike in real roguelikes, the Sinuous Corridors play mostly identical to the previous run due to the always the same bonuses, which is not a roguelike experience at all.
- The incentive for the normal runs (6 levels) is no longer there after making the Legendarys and eats up too much time for Twinks. Soul ash alone also doesn't feel particularly rewarding for the time spent.
- What made the island grind bearable at the end of BfA were the cosmetic rewards. There are far too few of those in Torghast at the moment, though. Even the mount for the Maw isn't much of an incentive if you're out to farm as much Stygia as possible in the Maw.
- In Roguelikes, it's quite normal to die at the end against the final boss - it's not the end of the world. In WoW (buy now 14,99 € ), on the other hand, it's a bit different - here the focus is on the reward at the end and failure is very depressing. Sure, you can play Winding Corridors just to have fun like in a roguelike. But mostly in WoW you go into the dungeon to complete it successfully - especially if you've invested almost two hours, for example.
How can Torghast be improved in the future?
- Catch Up for Twinks (for the normal levels)
- Soul ash via Twisted Corridors
- More cosmetic rewards
- More/changing animaboni per run
- More little Easter Eggs, features like the levels of the tomb, etc.
- Rewards for super fast runs like in roguelikes
- Better class balance as far as the game allows it
What do you think of Torghast right now? What would you change about the normal levels and winding corridors? Write us in the comments.
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