If you are in the endgame in WoW Shadowlands, you will want to complete the two pact quests every week in order to gain two more glory levels. This means saving souls from the maw and collecting 1,000 anima from various sources. The latter takes some work, as the anima is rare in the Shadowlands and you don't get much of it as a reward for the various activities.
Since Shadowlands has been running for quite a while now, most players' pockets are slowly but surely filling up with tons of different equipment, profession items, and other junk. Fortunately, even if your pockets are full, you won't lose any Anima. If you can't loot your Anima item, it will be sent to you in the mail. However, as many players are currently finding out, it doesn't count towards the weekly quest. This is a bitter pill to swallow if you've just collected 250 anima from the world boss in the hope of completing the quest. For some players, this restriction is incomprehensible, but it has a good reason.
WoW: It's not a bug, it's a feature - Anima from the Post does not count for the Weekly (1)
Source: Blizzard
Blizzard wants to prevent resourceful players from taking advantage of the system by collecting anima before the reset on Wednesday and intentionally having full bags. That way, they could go to the mailbox on Wednesday, pull out the Anima items, and have the quest completed immediately.
On the other hand, it's a bitter pill if it takes you longer to complete the quest. So always remember to have enough space in your bags when you go to collect Anima. Thanks to the fairly cheap bags in this expansion, though, that shouldn't be too much of a problem.
02:18WoW: Mythic Dungeon International - Trailer for Shadowlands 2021 World of Warcraft from€14.99
Source Blizzard (via Vanion.eu)
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