While choosing the right pact in WoW: Shadowlands can be a deadly serious matter for some players, it also has a lot of potential for humor. This is shown in a funny machinima video by Captain Grim. For starters, it gives an honest look at how people choose their pact - namely, not by talking to the emissaries of the four groups and considering who appeals to them the most.
After that, each of the four groups gets their comeuppance: How sinful would we actually be as "saviors of Azeroth" from the point of view of the Venthyr Sinstones? Are Kyrian fans that righteous or just damn "thirsty"? Does the fairytale Ardenwald actually represent a vestibule to Hell? And Maldraxxus ... er, just look at it!
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The four Shadowlands pacts are currently the subject of much debate. While some say that you should just choose what suits you, others criticize that the developers should not combine gameplay advantages with story & lore. So you may get useless pact abilities and soul bonds in the pact of your choice, which have no use for you at all. This can lead to real crises of meaning in higher keystones - transmog & story vs optimal rotations and DpS.
What's your experience with this? Are you guys happy with your pact? Do you guys feel constrained by the gameplay aspects? Or is it more irrelevant to the area you play in? We're curious to know how you feel about it, tell us!
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