Shortly after the launch last night , the developers have played a small hotfix package on the liverservers of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic. Affected are the auction house, the Blizzard of Mages and the graphics option SSAO. Hotfixes are updates that are made server-side without the need to download new data. Some of the changes listed below will take effect as soon as Blizzard implements them, whereas others will only take effect after an announced realm reboot. Please note that some issues cannot be fixed without a client-side patch.
WoW TBC Classic: Hotfixes from June 02, 2021 - Patch Notes
Burning Crusade Classic
- Auction House
- Fixed an issue that temporarily caused the deposit fees to be three times lower than they were in the original Burning Crusade.
- Classes
- Mage
- Blizzard has again enabled Solitude of Mystery and Arcane Concentration.
- Mage
- Interface
- On PC and MAC, players can now use SSAO (Controls the render quality of advanced lighting effects. Decreasing it can greatly improve performance).
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