Battle for Azeroth promises to be a great - and quite interesting - expansion. After a really good Legion, people are waiting for something equally epic. The formula for taking each other head on is excellent.
Warning: there are spoilers below!
The ending of Legion leaves us with some suspense - lo and behold, a sword plunged by Sargeras into the body of Azeroth (specifically, into Silithus - although it's awfully small compared to what we saw in the cinematic, maybe it shrunk) now causes azerite (azerite?), a crystal with incredible power, to flow out of the planet. The first to get to it, unsurprisingly, are the goblins. The world is dying, we are witnesses to it and, as it usually happens in such plots, everyone gets into heads. The destruction promises to be of great proportions.
Battle for Azeroth, information
From the trailer itself we learn that Anduin Wrynn decides to reclaim Lordaeron from the hands of the undead. We can infer in this way that the expansion will begin with a battle for Undercity. Battle will be lost by Horde side and Forsaken will have to look for new home. In this way another part of the Eastern Kingdoms falls into the hands of the Alliance - but if anyone thinks that the Horde said the last word, he is sorely mistaken. Here is the trailer for Battle for Azeroth:
As we can see at the end, Anduin survives the Horde's attack. What he doesn't expect, poor guy, is that during this war he will suffer two heavy losses. First, Blizzard gave us this illustration:
battle for azeroth information
We can guess who is standing under Teldrassil, the seat-tree of the Night Elves. Without a doubt, the person on the right is Sylvanas, in the middle stands Nathanos Blightcaller and the person on the right... Saurfang? Another orc? We'll find out. So the horde gets to Darnassus. It looks dangerous, but the night elves will defend themselves, right?
Oh, well.
That's not the end of the bad news for the Alliance. From this here video, it appears that the Horde - while rescuing Saurfang and the princess (haha, I love that theme) from Stormwind, decides to set them on fire. When Jaina Proudmoore (dubbed the "Lich King" by the author - no surprise there) stands in the way of the fleeing heroes, she learns that she has a choice - kill them or save the human capital. What an embarrassing failure.
Anyway, you can deduce that the creators want to divide the world for good - Kalimdor to give to the Horde, Eastern Kingdom - to the Alliance. This means a poor fate for both Exodar and Silvermoon (because the fact that Darnassus and Undercity will go up in smoke, we already know). Given that Aleera Windrunner has some obvious plans for the latter after she nearly did healthy damage to Sunwell - things are happening, mind you. If this means the blood elves will be left homeless and without their beloved well again, it'll be fun. Unless they do the Legion theme and just teleport away.
It's also unclear what the Death Knights' headquarters will be...
Story-wise, the expansion promises to be a very good one - it draws on the best of the best. Such a decisive move will introduce a lot of tension, and where there is conflict - there is an exceptional story. There is no doubt that Battle for Azeroth will be such a story.
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