During the first online BlizzCon, BlizzConline 2021, the developers did not miss the opportunity to answer questions from the community. Instead of being interviewed live by the audience, Scott Johnson (host of the show The Instance) was the mouthpiece for the players and asked Ion Hazzikostas and other WoW developers important questions about the upcoming Shadowlands content, but also The Burning Crusade Classic. We've compiled the most interesting info for you in an overview!
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WoW Q&A - the findings
- Anduin, Sylvanas, and Dungeon Master, as a trio, represent an absolute core element of the Shadowlands story. This was started with the captured Anduin and heightened with him as the Dungeon Master's puppet.
- New cutscene showed why the jailer needed Anduin: Only a hero like him could enter Bastion and get close enough to the Archon to raid it.
- Uther grabbed his Frostmourne wound in the video because he sensed the similar power in Anduin as he walked by. The fact that this one looked like Arthas with his long blond hair added to it.
- Sylvanas may have helped the jailer subdue Anduin, but her expression already hinted that there was more going on inside her. Confronting her in the raid should be one of WoW's most epic moments.
- The Archon is NOT dead. You can see her hand move in the sequence - she was just severely wounded by Anduin's assassination. Patch 9.1's story will pick up right after the cutscene and directly ask the question: Who's next? Who else has one of those pact seals?
More on this topic: All important information on WoW patch 9.1
WoW: Recap of the BlizzCon 2021 Q&A Panel - Flying, Story, TBC & Co (2)
Source: Blizzard
- There are no new race-class combinations planned. The developers have already made WoW much more open than before, but they also want there to be no exact symmetry. Especially since there are obvious cases like Demon Hunter and Warlock that can't be possible for every race.
- The developers know that faction imbalance is a problem on the high end of raiders and Mythic+ players. Gameplay-wise, it's no longer the case that Horde offers more incentive than Alliance. But that was definitely the case for too long. Now it's a purely social problem that needs a social solution. How exactly, the developers don't know, it just takes time. According to Ion Hazzikostas, it is top priority, but currently they are not working on it.
- More server mergers are always an issue. But that's an elaborate, manual process, because the people in charge have to consider auction houses, populations, faction balances & co. For the Shadowlands launch, the topic was paused for the time being, since expansion launches strongly influence server populations anyway.
- Regarding the amount of Anima needed to unlock the features of the pacts, the developers emphasize that the whole system is meant to incentivize until the very end of Shadowlands. However, this also means that players should be able to achieve certain goals along the way. If that progress fails to materialize, the developers will fine-tune it again and possibly make more Anima accessible or something similar.
- Denathrius is way too fun! Much like Bwonsamdi, the leader of the Venthyr shouldn't be such a big deal. However, the great voice actor made sure that Denathrius doesn't die in the raid. For now, he's stuck in sword and Naaru captivity, but he has allies who definitely want to get him out of there eventually.
- New Tradition armor is definitely coming, but players will have to be patient.
- The auction house will not be part of the mobile app again. Players are supposed to interact ingame. But the developers themselves know of scenarios where you could use the convenience of an auction house on mobile. They're keeping it in mind.
- There are no other new additions planned for customization options in Shadowlands. So upright walking undead won't be around for now.
- What do you need to fly in patch 9.1 of WoW: Shadowlands? Only the expansion itself! Those who have Shadowlands and play through the new story campaign will be able to fly in the Shadowlands.
- Flying will not be possible between the individual zones of Shadowlands. That would also take far too long.(Editor's note: We'll just stick with our goblin ladders, they can do that!)
WoW: Recap of the BlizzCon 2021 Q&A Panel - Flying, Story, TBC & Co (4) Source: Blizzard
How does time pass in the Shadowlands? There's no clear conversion of X days in Shadowlands are Y days in the world of the living. "Time loses all meaning," it says simply on the matter.
- Bolvar will play an important role in Patch 9.1 in bringing the pacts together to further the fight against the Dungeon Master.
- Refugees in Stormwind have talked about returning to the ruins of Teldrassil to retrieve their belongings. This definitely does not mean that the tree will grow strong again. The destruction was important and should not be fixed just like that. The story of the homeless and killed night elves is not over yet though, Tyrande's story in the Shadowlands will add a lot in that regard.
- How do you get the new mount Wandering Urtum? The Ent-like mount will be made available to all WoW players as part of patch 9.0.5 in March.
WoW: Recap of the BlizzCon 2021 Q&A Panel - Flying, Story, TBC & Co (1) Source: Blizzard
Q&A on WoW: The Burning Crusade Classic - important info
- If you want, you can create a clone of a character for a fee and thus once have a version on a perpetual Classic server, while the other is available in The Burning Crusade.
- The developers are prepared for crowded servers and contested quest areas as well as resource sources. However, there should be a bit of competition - although they will intervene in black lot scenarios, extreme material brawls they do not want.
WoW: Recap of the BlizzCon 2021 Q&A Panel - Flying, Story, TBC & Co (3) Source: Blizzard
- Your character's clone won't have dibs on TBC for all eternity. But if you want to create a clone on launch day that has the same name again, you will be able to do that. In doing so, the developers probably want to include realm names so you can tell which version of a character it is online.
- The developers don't plan on doing any excessive class balancing that didn't exist in the original launch of The Burning Crusade. But they will, for example, make Seal of Vengeance and Seal of Blood available to both Alliance and Horde, otherwise that could lead heavily to faction imbalance.
- Gathering Stone Summoning will be available right at the launch of The Burning Crusade Classic.
- New, completely fresh Classic servers where the entire population can start over is definitely something the developers are interested in. For now, though, they're dedicated to The Burning Crusade Classic and a successful launch.
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