The Race to World First in the WoW raid Mausoleum of the First was again particularly costly for pro guilds due to helping hands on split runs and buying BoEs (non-soul random drops from the raid). Liquid already revealed shortly after defeating the dungeon master in mythic mode that over 700 million gold had been spent, and now over 500 million gold
will have to be earned again through dungeon master boost runs to pay off the debt.Now the other guilds have also revealed what they have spent in this race. In the process, records were broken once again. The top 6 in Race to World First spent over four billion gold combined!
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We'll soon find out what changes Blizzard is planning for the final raid of WoW: Season of Mastery.This is how much World First guilds spent in Mausoleum of the Firsts
- JiTianHong: 1 .1 billion gold.
- Liquid: 723 million gold
- Echo: 694 million gold
- SK Pieces: 679 .9 million gold
- Method: 480 million gold
- BDGG: 293.5 million gold
While JiTianHong is in the lead here, in the Asian region a WoW token also grants more than twice as much gold as on US servers, for example. JiTianHong spent 52 percent more gold than Liquid, but in China that's "only" $32,000, an amount slightly lower than BDGG's spending, while Liquid's 723 million gold is almost triple that at $93,000
!Using the same conversions, Echo's spend is about $59,000 USD, SK Pieces' is about $57,000 USD, Method's is about $41,000 USD, and BDGG's is about $37,000 USD. Assuming the guilds all dutifully buy their gold via WoW tokens. In the past, Echo had already admitted to buying gold cheaper illegally through third-party sellers. The gold community Gallywix has since disappeared from the face of the earth. What do you think of the staggering sums of gold in Race to World First? Write us in the comments.
Source | WoWhead
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