A hotfix was recently applied to WoW BC Classic that unlocked new game content. Some of these changes will only become active with the ID rest on Wednesday, June 9. Among other things, players can now accept daily Duneon quests, the required reagents for some enchantments have been adjusted, items at merchants have been unlocked, and minor bugs have been fixed. In addition, the auction house should now run more smoothly than before.
BC Classic Hotfixes from June 7th
- (With regional server restart) The Auction House has been improved and should run smoother.
- (With regional server restart) Commander Ameer in Netherstorm has recovered a Prison Orb from his last mission and could use your help.
- (With regional server restart) Nether Stalker Mah'duun in Shattrath now offers daily dungeon quests.
- Warchief Kargath Knifefist in Shattered Halls is now using his Blade Dance again with a delay.
- Warlock's Inferno will once again deal damage and stun enemies in the effect area.
- Build Plan: Elemental Zephyrium Charge is now available from Consortium vendors.
- Fixed a bug where quest progress for the Ring of Blood would cancel or stall.
- Fixed a bug where the quest Discord in the Ranks did not count progress for defeating Mad Colossus.
The reagents for the following enchantments have been adjusted. These were previously at the pre-patch level and have now been adjusted for the level 70 content.
- Formula: Gloves - Menace
- Gloves - Superior Agility
- Formula: Cloak - Great Fire Resistance
- Formula: Cloak - Great Nature Resistance
- Formula: Cloak - Stealth
- Cloak - Subtlety
- Formula: Cloak - Evasion
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