In addition to the "Not A Bug" list for Phase 2 of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic, the Blizzard developers also have a list of known bugs for you. These are to be corrected as soon as possible via hotfix, but the designers can't give a date yet.
And which bugs are we talking about? Here you go:
- Currently, when fighting Kael'tha's Sunwalker in the Fortress of Storms, the tank's threat may be completely erased during Phase 4.
- Currently, only the guild leader can add new icons or names to the guild bank tabs, even if you have granted these rights to other players with lower ranks.
- If you swap the stack of an item within a guild bank tab with another item stack, it will count as a removal and thus count against your daily removal cap for that day.
As soon as Blizzard applies the related hotfixes, we will update this message.
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