For many years WoW fans have been discussing and sometimes even begging the developers, but now the time has come: the WoW team has announced in a blue post that the achievement "A Hard School" no longer needs to be completed for the meta achievement "A Heart for Children". So if you've been fighting over this achievement during Children's Week
just to get the title "Patron" or the meta-achievement "What a Long, Strange Journey," you can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Also read these interesting stories 6WoW: Zoom out further than normal? New console command makes it possible!
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Those who wanted to complete the achievement "A Tough School" had to complete a total of four different "feats" with an orphan during Children's Week on the PvP Battlegrounds to do so. These included capturing or attacking a flag in the Eye of the Storm or Arathi Basin. The achievement caused a lot of discussion and frustration among fans because it was required for the Children's Week meta-achievement and some players felt forced to PvP as a result.
Finally: The Achievement "What a long, strange journey..." has been completed.
Source: buffed
The developers officially write about the change to the meta-achievement:
"Hello, collectors! To help you on your journey to obtain the Mount of the Purple Protodragon, we have a hotfix in the works that removes the A Hard School requirement for the Children's Week Achievement, A Heart for Children. This hotfix should be released shortly and will show up in the hotfix update.
Joy for Protodragon fans
In the meantime, the hotfix has already gone live on the WoW servers, so all players who were only missing the achievement "A Hard School" for the corresponding meta-achievements can now log in with great joy and receive their reward. The achievement still exists, of course. It just doesn't count for "A Heart for Children" anymore.Our author Sara Petzold comments:Finally the WoW gods have heard my prayers. I already completed all the necessary achievements for the meta-achievement "What a long, strange journey" years ago - only the Children's Week achievement was still missing. However, because I am an absolute PvP hater and have hardly ever played PvP since Classic, no seven horses have been able to get me to remove this, in my opinion, draconian achievement from the meta for "A Heart for Children". Blizzard forcing those players who don't enjoy PvP to engage in this very activity has never had any benefit, in my opinion, for PvP fans or anyone else. So I think it's all the better that the developers have now finally come to their senses, and are deleting the success. What do you think of this change? Are you happy that Blizzard has removed this achievement for the meta-achievement? Or do you feel cheated because you already completed the achievement with a lot of effort? Whatever you think about it, write us your opinion below in the comments!
Source | WoWHead
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