A few weeks ago we reported about a warrior and a priest who were able to lay the brood mother Onyxia in WoW Classic without any help. No less impressive is what the hunter Zeroji has now achieved. He took on Blood Lord Mandokir all by himself in the 20-player raid instance Zul'Gurub , and did so successfully.
The final battle lasted a total of 76 minutes. In total, the player tried his luck for almost 7 hours that day until the strategy worked. Speaking of strategy, it should sound familiar to all mages who farm Zul'Gurub regularly. The player used the AI's wayfinding problems at one of the bridges to get the kill.
However, the fight wasn't a sure-fire success. Periodically, the boss would get close enough to do damage. However, thanks to the companion parked nearby, in an emergency the hunter was able to use deads without leaving the boss out of the fight. Once the raptor was defeated, it was a matter of sitting out the boss's enrage. Only then could the player start dealing damage to the boss. While doing so, he always had to watch out for Threatening Gaze and keep taking breaks to regenerate his health.
You can watch the successful kill here on Twitch . Watch the full nearly seven hours here.