A small snippet here, a hidden reference there - Azeroth's creation story has been one big patchwork quilt, consisting of countless short stories and articles after more than 20 years. It's no wonder, then, that several narratives in World of Warcraft contradict each other or are simply out of date.
In an effort to clear up all the story chaos that has been created in World of Warcraft over the past few years, Blizzard is launching a new animated short series. In the "Lore in Short" videos, the developers summarize the most important parts of WoW's history in a short and easy-to-understand format. This allows veterans and new players alike to dive into Warcraft lore instantly and learn about a specific faction like the Burning Legion. The short summaries in video format will save you a lot of time, and you won't have to consult outside sources like books and the like to learn about the story.
To start things off, Blizzard has released the Burning Crusade Classic story synopsis video on the official World of Warcraft YouTube channel, just in time for the launch of Burning Crusade Classic . Sargeras' agents and soldiers play a major role in Outland, after all, in TBC Classic we not only meet lesser demons, but also notable representatives of the Burning Legion (such as Kil'jaeden).
01:32WoW: The Burning Legion - Official Blizzard Lore Video World of Warcraft from€14.99
For more details on the history of Azeroth, Outland, and the entire story behind the Burning Legion and World of Warcraft, check out this exciting lore special
. In our article you'll find all the official info on the WoW story from the illustrated reference book "Warcraft Cronicle: Volume 1".Support buffed - it only takes a minute. Thank you!All readers get free daily news, articles, guides, videos, and podcasts on World of Warcraft, Pokémon Go, and other favorite games from us. Up until now, we've funded this site through advertising and kept it as free of paid articles as possible, but since COVID-19, that's become increasingly difficult. Many companies are cutting or eliminating their advertising budgets for 2020. Budgets that we unfortunately have to rely on if we want to continue offering buffed for free in the future in the form we are used to.
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