For a little over a week now, we've been able to find out what Blizzard officials have planned for "WoW Classic Fresh" on the beta server for WoW: Season of Mastery. The changes of the first week (compared to the first WoW Classic version) read as follows:
- Level cap is 30.
- There are no pre-made characters
- XP for handing in quests increased by 25%.
- Herb and ore deposits increased.
- Honor system is enabled.
- Warsong Gulch is enabled
Now there was a first patch for the beta servers, through which the following adjustments were made (via official WoW forum):
- Level cap is now 45.
- Quests now give a whopping 40% more experience points.
- Gathering stones can now be used to summon party members (if the level requirements known from TBC Classic are met).
- There is now a classic PvP server for Season of Championship.
The following adjustments are to follow with the next beta updates:
- Debuff and buff limit is increased.
- Health of raid bosses will be increased.
- Old raid mechanics of bosses will be re-enabled.
- World buffs in raids will be removed.
- Curbing excessive power leveling/boosting (for example, mage boosting in dungeons like Maraudon).
40 percent more quest XP in WoW (buy now 14,99 € )
: Season of Mastery ... could this already be enough to bury mage boosting in dungeons, which was very popular in WoW Classic? And do you like the fact that the leveling phase in Classic will take much less time due to the increased quest XP? Tell us what you think in the comments!Support buffed - it only takes a minute. Thank you!Do you like buffed? Then you can support us as a buffed supporter so that we can continue to offer our content for free in the usual form without introducing a paywall.
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