When patch 9.1 hits the live servers of WoW Shadowlands in a few weeks, the Sanctum of Domination will be unlocked shortly thereafter. Ten new bosses and lots of loot await brave heroes in the raid. Blizzard's design for the new raid seems to be keeping with a tradition that has been used in past raids. At least that's what an item unearthed by dataminers suggests.
- Phylactery Shard - A shard taken from Kel'Thuzad's shattered phylactery in the Sanctum of Domination on Normal Difficulty. Max Stack: 4
This item comes in three different varieties - normal, heroic, and mythic. This makes it look very much like we will once again have a quest in the Sanctum of Domination where we have to kill a certain boss four times on one difficulty level in order to unlock a shortcut afterwards. This shortcut will then, in all likelihood, allow us to skip some bosses and tackle the back ones directly.
Which bosses we can skip and which ones we still have to kill, however, is unclear. What is clear, however, is that Kel'Thuzad, from whom we obviously capture the item, is the penultimate boss. This indicates that we can port directly to the front and then only have the final two bosses in front of us. However, we will probably have to defeat Tarragrue, the first boss of the raid, beforehand, as it is waiting right at the entrance and also in the past we usually had to defeat the first boss first to reach the shortcut.
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