Information about the upcoming third addition to the World of Warcraft is plentiful on the Internet. We decided to collect the most important of them in one comprehensive article.
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is the next addition to Blizzard's best-selling MMO. An addition that will certainly not go unnoticed. WoW evokes extreme emotions, but we're not going to write about emotions here. In August 2009, during BlizzCon, the news about works on a new expansion rumbled. Since then, more and more information about the game has appeared online. It's high time to collect all this material and present it in a coherent form, which this article is an attempt to do. All the information you will have a chance to come across here comes directly from Blizzard. The source is the aforementioned BlizzCon and statements appearing from time to time on the game's official forums.
Be warned that the text contains a lot of detailed information, which requires the reader to have some knowledge of World of Warcraft. In the description of many statistics and ratios we use the original English spelling. Translating everything into Polish simply doesn't work under certain circumstances.
History and plot
Deathwing, a dragon that has lain hidden for centuries in the depths of Azeroth is almost awakened. His rise to the surface is to be accompanied by gigantic cataclysms. On the old continents of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms it will be difficult to find places untouched by these catastrophic events.
The Barrens after Cataclysm.
Deathwing was encountered by players in Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal, he was the dragon aspect of one of the five elementals (earth) designed to protect the world of Azeroth from threats. However, the thousands of years he spent underground after the first attack by the Burning Legions and the whispers of the Old Gods drove him mad. Deathwing sees one purpose for his existence, and that is to subjugate all living beings in Azeroth. This will happen when the Day of the Dragon arrives, an era in which all dragons will come under his leadership and the fate of the mortal races will rest in his clutches.
New races and class combinations
With this expansion, players will have access to two new races. The vorgens and the goblins, which have been around for quite some time. The origins of the worgen were revealed at BlizzCon 2009 as a people tainted by a curse that makes them wild, wolf-like beasts. In short, some of the inhabitants of the land of Gilneas will turn into werewolves. Discovering the roots of the curse and how to control it is part of the story that players will be able to explore when they begin their adventure in the starting areas of the worgen. The goblin race, on the other hand, comes from the hitherto safe island of Kazan. As a result of a cataclysm, the goblins will be forced to leave their homes. The survivors will find themselves on the Lost Islands, which will become the starting ground for the race.
Characteristic for WoW: Cataclysm will be the fact that the stories of the new races are to be told in detail in the starting locations. The entire storyline that concerns them will be presented not only with the help of quests, but also cinematic interludes. Both goblins and worgens will of course receive their typical racial abilities.
In the case of goblins, these are:
- The biggest discounts - repair costs or item purchases will be independent of the reputation you have. The goblin will always receive the maximum discount on these services.
- Handy Hobgoblin - once every 30 minutes for a short period every goblin will be able to access their bank;
- Improved Alchemy - 15 points more to Alchemy profession;
- Barrage fire - every goblin, once every two minutes, can fire a series of rockets at the enemy;
- Rocket Jump - also once every two minutes a goblin will be able to jump forward using their rocket belt;
- Time is money - the speed of attacks and spells is increased by 1%.
Worgen, on the other hand, will be distinguished by:
- Cruelty - increasing any damage dealt by 1%;
- Dark Flight - once every 3 minutes, worgens will be able to use sprint, increasing their speed by 70%;
- Faster Binding - the ability to bind leather is increased by 15 points, the worgen do not need a knife, and the process is much faster than with other races;
- Two Characters - The worgen can take the form of either a human or a werewolf, this is a purely cosmetic change, but during combat the werewolf will be the only possible form.