Tomorrow, in the night from September 15 to 16, the second phase of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic will start, as you know. This phase will then also be linked to the second arena season of the Outland era. This in turn means that we can take a look back at the first PvP season of TBC Classic. Based on statistics from the website Drustvar, we'll tell you which class combinations have been particularly successful in recent months.
The best arena teams - EU / 2 versus 2
First, we'll tell you what scores you had to achieve in the Europe region in Bracket 2vs2 to earn the various season rewards:
- Infernal Gladiator: Score 2886
- Gladiator Season 1: Score 2660
- Duelist: Season 1: Rating 2002
- Rival: Season 1: Score 1628
- Challenger: Season 1: Score 1296
- Highest score of all teams: Team brainless apes from Gehennas with 3119
A total of 46 teams were able to earn a score of 2886 or higher. The team compositions of these 46 teams were as follows:
- 8x warrior and druid
- 7x rogue and priest
- 5x rogue and druid
- 5x rogue and mage
- 5x warlock and priest
- 4x Warlock and Druid
- 3x Rogue and Warlock
- 3x Mage and Priest
- 2x Rogue and Rogue
- 1x Rogue and Hunter
The best arena teams - US / 2 versus 2
First, we'll tell you what scores had to be achieved in Bracket 2vs2 in the US region to earn the various season rewards:
- Infernal Gladiator: Rating 2887
- Gladiator season 1: rating 2608
- Duelist: Season 1: Score 1980
- Rival: Season 1: Score 1626
- Challenger: Season 1: Score 1319
- Highest score of all teams: Team no ego of Benediction with 2973
A total of 33 teams were able to earn a rating of 2887 or higher. The team compositions of these 33 teams looked like this:
- 12x Rogue and Priest
- 8x rogue and mage
- 3x Warrior and Druid
- 2x Mage and Priest
- 2x hunter and priest
- 2x Hunter and Druid
- 2x Rogue and Druid
- 1x Warrior and Priest
- 1x Warlock and Druid
The best arena teams - EU / 3 versus 3
First, we'll tell you what scores were required to earn the various season rewards in Bracket 3vs3 in the Europe region:
- Infernal Gladiator: rating 2772
- Gladiator Season 1: Rating 2516
- Duelist: Season 1: Score 1997
- Rival: Season 1: Score 1644
- Challenger: Season 1: Score 1347
- Highest score of all teams: Team Raiky Miry Mehhy from Gehennas with 2936
A total of 18 teams were able to earn a rating of 2772 or higher. The team compositions of these 18 teams looked like this:
- 9x Rogue, Mage and Priest
- 3x rogue, warlock and priest
- 2x Rogue, Warlock and Druid
- 2x warlock, priest and druid
- 2x Warrior, Priest and Druid
The best arena teams - US / 3 versus 3
First, we'll tell you what scores had to be achieved in Region US in Bracket 3vs3 to earn the various season rewards:
- Infernal Gladiator: Score 2708
- Gladiator Season 1: Score 2477
- Duelist: Season 1: Score 1948
- Rival: Season 1: Score 1658
- Challenger: Season 1: Score 1360
- Highest score of all teams: Team hey whats up its us from Benediction with 2792
A total of 15 teams were able to earn a rating of 2708 or higher. The team compositions of these 15 teams were as follows:
- 5x Rogue, Mage and Priest
- 2x rogue, warlock and priest
- 2x rogue, hunter and priest
- 2x warlock, priest and druid
- 1x rogue, rogue, priest
- 1x warrior, warlock, druid
- 1x Mage, Warlock, Druid
- 1x Mage, Warlock, Priest
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