It's hotfix time on the WoW live servers again and this time there are some quite interesting changes to report. The WoW developers have not only generated the fight against Anduin in the Mausoleum of the First
Ones, but also a meta-achievement, of which a partial success caused frustration among the fans again and again. We're talking about the achievement "A Hard School", which you can complete during the Children's Week. Until now, this achievement was required for the meta-achievement "A Heart for Children" and thus also for "What a Long, Strange Journey". But that no longer applies.Below you can read the official English patch notes. As soon as Blizzard has published the German patch notes, we will update this message. Hotfixes are updates that are made server-side without the need to download new data. Some of the changes listed below will take effect as soon as Blizzard implements them, whereas others will only take effect after an announced realm restart. Please note that some issues cannot be fixed without a client-side patch.
WoW: Hotfixes from 05. May 2022 - Patch Notes
Dungeons and Raids
- Sepulcher of the First Ones
- Anduin Wrynn
- Increased the time it takes for players to be susceptible to Blasphemy after returning to their body.
- Anduin Wrynn
- Theater of Pain
- Non-boss enemies
- Corrected an issue that caused Ancient Captain's Demoralizing Shout and Commanding Presence to increase damage taken when charmed by players.
- Non-boss enemies
- World Events
- "School of Hard Knocks" is no longer required for the Children's Week achievement "For the Children.
Source | WoWHead
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