Although WoW Burning Crusade Classic is overshadowing everything else at the moment, the developers at Blizzard are of course still working on Shadowlands. And not only patch 9.1 is in focus. Even the current patch 9.0.5 is still being worked on here and there. Of course, this is not about content, but about balancing adjustments. As in the past, the developers are paying special attention to the remaining stumbling blocks for the groups and are turning a few screws so that the players can still celebrate minor successes until the upcoming patch. In the current case, the mythical final boss, which is still a tough one for many groups, has been significantly toned down - without actually getting weaker.
- Count Denathrius (mythic)'s final stage now only begins at 37 percent health.
Instead of weakening the boss' abilities or reducing health, the developers have taken a different approach this time. Especially the third and final phase of the fight is the sticking point for most groups, while phase two goes quite smoothly. So the last phase is simply shortened and the second phase extended. Instead of Denathrius entering phase three at 40% health (or 210 seconds), he enters phase three at 37% health (or 225 seconds). This doesn't make the fight any shorter, but it does make it easier. That's because the crunchy final phase now takes less time.
With a hotfix that is now live, we've made the following adjustment to Sire Denathrius on Mythic difficulty:
- Phase Two now ends when Denathrius' health reaches 37% (was 40%) or after 225 seconds (was 210 seconds) on Mythic difficulty.
- Developers note: Our goal with this adjustment is to make Denathrius' final phase a bit more forgiving on Mythic. We considered simply reducing his health, but felt that could be needlessly disruptive during his first two phases, so we're instead opting for a more targeted approach.
This hotfix is live onNA and EU realms, and will be in effect for other regions after their restarts for this week have concluded.
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