Yesterday we had them thematized, the numerous bugs that landed in the Outland of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic with Phase 2 . The good news is that Blizzard is working on eliminating the bugs to provide more polish and less frustration. Last night, for example, the following German patch notes for hotfixes from September 22 went online:
Burning Crusade Classic
- The event surrounding Shartuul's transporter has been reactivated.
- Fixed a bug where some bosses in Serpentshrine Lair and Fortress of Storms were not dropping certain items from their loot tables.
- Fixed a bug where Horde characters were not automatically casting their spells when riding a ram through Orgrimmar for the Brewfest quests "Barker for T'chali's Voodoo Brewery!" and "Barker for Drohn Brewery!".
- Fixed a bug that prevented Skyguard flying aces from casting the Skyguard Flare ability during the "Terokk's Fall" quest.
- Fixed a bug that prevented some players from using Skyguard bombs during the "Bomber Raid" quest.
These are far from all the issues that were on yesterday's list, but it is a start. Community Manager Kaivax commented on one of the remaining bugs in the official WoW forum a few hours ago. When asked if the aggro problems in the fight against Kael'tha's Sunwalker have been fixed, the Blizzard employee replied:
"We've been working on this for several weeks because we're dealing with a pretty tricky bug here. However, we are close to a hotfix. Once we've tested this hotfix, it will go live, very likely we'll have to restart the servers for it."
To explain, Kael'thas can experience unexplained threat losses in Phase 4, causing the tank to suddenly find himself behind multiple damage dealers (which, of course, involves Spirit Healer visits). In addition, there are hard-to-understand threat issues when Kael'thas first enters combat or his minions respawn when players are too far away from enemies. As soon as Blizzard has corrected these problems, we will of course keep you updated.
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