For a long time, the two weekly quests that your Pact Sanctuary provides you with were the best (and for many characters) only source of additional fame levels, and were part of most players' weekly routine. Recently, however, those diligent players who earned the maximum amount of fame each week have reached the ceiling. In fact, it doesn't currently go beyond fame level 40. This, of course, eliminates the reward of an additional fame level for the weekly quest. However, this would mean that we would be offered a weekly quest that actually has no real use for us anymore. The developers have responded to this and made an adjustment.
The Return of Lost Souls quest has already been given Anima as an alternate reward, as long as you are at the upper limit of 100 souls collected. This alternate reward has now been added to the Replenish the Reservoir quest, which asks you to collect 1,000 Anima. Instead of an additional Fame level, you will now receive a whopping 1,500 gold as an additional reward. This means that you'll earn over 1,600 gold for collecting the anima, which is often done on the side. A nice chunk of change for not actually having to do anything special.
Have you already reached the maximum fame level with your main character - or even with all your twinks? And can you make good use of the Anima or do you not really care about cosmetic things and upgrading your own Sanctum?